'Douglas Sales...proudly since 1957'
Our Team
Michael Atkinson
Primary Network
Progressive Sales
& Marketing
New England/ East Coast
Broker Partner

FSG Sales
New York Metro Broker Partner

-Modern Grocer, September 2005
"Douglas Sales' Most Important Asset: ITS STAFF"
Kathy Atkinson VP of Human Resources/ Accounts Payable
Sharon Goldstein Sales Manager
Rose Matthews Administrative Assistant
Selecting a sales staff to represent our principals is one of the most important business decisions that Douglas Sales must make. Douglas Sales is very proud of the team representing their company. The sales people are of the highest quality both in professionalism and integrity.
The retail sales force provides Douglas Sales with . . .
-Excellent professional representation by men and women with outstanding credentials and business experience
-Drive and focus to achieve sales objectives quickly and effectively
-Proven talent to aggressively build your business
-Knowledge of selling techniques that close the sale
-A willingness to share their success and ideas to make Douglas Sales the best in its sphere of operations
-A strong trade relationship with retail and headquarters’ personnel